What should I do if my China Unicom card service is suddenly suspended?

作者:薛孟翠 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 10:02:17

本文目录一览壹、What should I do if China Unicom’s mobile phone service is suspended?
The suspension of China Unicom mobile phone number service is usually due to arrears of payment. It is recommended to call the customer service hotline to check the arrears or send a text message to check the number balance.

贰、Why has the service of my China Unicom mobile phone card been suspended by China Unicom? ?

Hello, if your number has been suspended, please pay attention to whether there are the following situations:

[Situation 1] The number will be suspended after the arrears are paid. Normal use;

[Case 2] The number has been reported as lost and shut down or suspended, and it can only be used normally after canceling the loss report and activating it normally;

[Case 3] The number has a real-name registration If you have any questions, you can bring your original valid ID and mobile phone card to China Unicom's own business hall in your home location to apply for real-name re-registration;

[Scenario 4] The number is reported for fraud, harassment and other illegal and irregularities. Or if it is required to be shut down by relevant national departments, you can go to China Unicom's own business hall at the place of residence for verification and processing.

If you have any questions, please click https://u.10010.cn/qA5yV for consultation.

叁、China Unicom number suddenly suspends service
Unicom mobile phone number service is suspended in the following situations: 1. The mobile phone number is in arrears and is out of service. The arrears must be paid before normal use can be resumed. 2. After handling the shutdown business, such as shutting down to protect your account, reporting lost and shutting down, if you need to resume use, you need to handle the startup business again. If the above situation is excluded, you can call the local China Unicom customer service hotline or go to the local China Unicom business office, and the staff will assist in verification and processing.